Start a Flickr Video Group Now

by danperry on April 9, 2008

in flickr

Flickr groups are a great tool for collecting similar photos. For example, I run a group called Great Golf Pictures. It’s open to the public, has about 300 Members, and roughly 1,100 pictures in its pool.

Seeing how Flickr recently announced the addition of videos, I’d suggest starting a group related to your area of interest specifically for videos.

Why? Couple reasons.

  1. If you want to be considered a thought leader, you need to be ahead of the curve, and by being the Administrator, it shows that you were thinking about this as soon as it happened.
  2. It gives you the opportunity to lock in a great URL for your group. For example, I am ridiculously interested in golf. I started a group for videos, and reserved the following URL:

Currently, there aren’t any videos in the group, but over time, there will be. By adding my own videos, coupled with others adding theirs, this group will grow. Within a few months, it will be THE place to go on Flickr for golf videos.

If you want to be ahead of the Flickr video curve, start a video-specific group today!

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