Image Optimization by BusinessWeek

by danperry on September 14, 2009

in Online Marketing

Did a bit of ego/vanity-surfing this morning (typed Dan Perry into Google) and saw something new in the images section:

Image Optimization with Business Week

Image Optimization with Business Week

The image on the far right is from my Twitter Feed, so I decided to click-through. It’s from a few months ago, and references a Time Management Tip I provided.

Twitter Time Management Tip

Twitter Time Management Tip

The question is… How did this rank for my name in Google Images?

Doing a bit of digging provides the answer. If you visit the page in question, you’ll notice a few things.

  1. They use my name in the TITLE tag of the page.
  2. Although there are many images (I think 26 tips total) each got their own page and URL, instead of a Flash/JavaScript/AJAX delivery of images.
  3. Under the image (wrapped in an H2 tag) it reads: Tweeted by Dan Perry, with a link to my Twitter page.
  4. The filename of the image includes my name (008_danperry.jpg).
  5. The ALT text does too (Tweeted by: Dan Perry)
  6. Finally, is a strong domain, which in itself give it a ranking boost.

I’ve said it many times before, but I’ll say it again: SEO isn’t doing 1 thing perfectly, it’s doing 200 things correctly, and in this example BusinessWeek did a great job. Congrats!

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