Dan Perry – About Me
Dan Perry at Treetops Resort by a ski lift, trying to be funny
Kate and I, with Lake Michigan behind us
My parents and I freezing in front of The Bean, downtown Chicago
My parents and I in a much warmer place
With Pete Dye, Golf Course Architect
With Todd Lewis, Golf Channel Anchor
With Ron Garl, Golf Course Architect
My Uncle Torrin, myself and John on the first tee at Medinah
Happily married (here’s why she’s great), who has a fat cat named Moe. Love golf more than I should. Luckily, so does my wife. We’ve played golf at Treetops, Arcadia Bluffs, Kohler (where we honeymooned, and played all four courses), and many others. I’ve also played Medinah and Riviera.
Love taking pictures; feel free to check out my Flickr account (around 9,000 pictures and growing).
Some odd pieces to my life’s puzzle:
In my early 20’s, I spent 2 ½ months in Europe. My base was northern England (I had an uncle there), and I traveled quit a bit visiting York, Scarborough, London (for a week), and a very interesting weekend in Amsterdam.
In high school I hit a tree on a snowmobile and spit three of my bottom teeth into a snow bank, never to be found.
While in the Navy I water-skied for three days straight, every other week on Lake Meade (just south of Las Vegas) for a year and a half. Buddy’s Dad lived in Henderson, and he had a ski boat.
The one thing the Navy taught me was attention to detail. I think that’s helped me in my professional career more than anything else.
I won the first official poker tournament I entered. It was an event at a marketing conference (Pubcon), and there were about 100 participants. I gave $90 to the crew, $500 to charity, and walked out of the Venetian with $2,600.
I’ve made my wife’s fat cat famous. The main image has been viewed more than 8,000 times on Flickr, been made into an iPhone app (search for Purr), and he appeared in a book in 2009. It’s also gone straight to his head; soft food only, mandatory belly rubs, etc.
I enjoy public speaking. What most say is true; the more you do it the better you get. I’ve spoke at many Internet Marketing industry events (My Resume). At my current job, one of my tasks is training others on the value of SEO. I’m constantly refining the PPT, constantly tweaking the presentation, etc., and I absolutely love it.
I enjoy cooking. Mostly I prefer the home-cooking variety of meals, specifically the one-pot wonders. (I also have an ingenious system with my Foodsaver for buying, cooking, and storing in bulk.) I have great recipes for Spaghetti Pie, Chicken and Bowties, Dracula’s Revenge (think garlic until your head spins), and a mean Chicken Pot Pie.
More to come as life progresses but so far, it’s been pretty damn good.