November 2008

Twitter and Adwords

November 30, 2008

Was browsing online, and came across the following Adwords ad: This is the first time I’ve seen it. It’s for a Nashville datacenter, that provides hosting and co-location to SMB’s. Not sold on the ad copy, but am interested in CTR. Anyone tried this? If you like this post you might enjoy following me on Twitter:

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Christmas shopping via text messaging

November 30, 2008

I was leaving work on the day before Thanksgiving, and there were a number of people (at least 3-4) handing out the following card at the entrance to Union Station: Sorry for the crappy picture of it, but here’s what it says: Shop for Holiday Gifts – On your Phone! Text JEWELRY to 73277 Browse & […]

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Yahoo Glue and Flickr

November 21, 2008

Yesterday, Yahoo added their Glue product to the US. Originally, it was in India only. Here’s the official blog post, and here’s the link to Of course, the first thing I typed in was the term “golf“. I knew that Glue pulls in images from Flickr, and was interested in how many (if any) […]

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Personal Branding – What a Difference a Year Makes

November 16, 2008

This post has been named “Best of 2008” by Techipedia. I started a blog in November of 2007 and took note of where I ranked in the SERP’s for my name (dan perry, no quotes.) This blog post will outline where I ranked then, where I rank one year later, and some lessons learned along the way. […]

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Pubcon in-house marketers event

November 4, 2008

Nothing official, but a discussion began on Twitter today about having in-house marketers get together during Pubcon in Vegas next week. I think it’s a great idea, and I’m in! If you’re interested, please leave a comment below, and answer the following questions: 1. Tuesday or Wednesday night? 2. Dinner, drinks, or both? 3. At […]

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